Welcome to the The Headboard Workshop Press Office

Welcome to the The Headboard Workshop Press Office

Products from this company are shipped to: United Kingdom and are located in: United Kingdom"

Catch more zzz's, with a bed MOT!


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Stockist details:

01291 628216 | www.theheadboardworkshop.co.uk/


Why we exist.

We made our first headboards 30 years ago in our garage in London. They were all made to order, all in customers own material and always delivered on time. The word spread and that was how it all started.  We have come a long way since then, but our principles remain the same.  Stylish headboards & beds, made to order and made as you want them, backed up by outstanding service.

We are still a family business (only we are more than one family now) and we still design, develop and make most things in our own factory in Wales (we outgrew the garage in London!).

We control the whole process.  Furthermore, with no middleman to take a cut, we are able to offer you fabulous upholstered headboards, beds, blanket boxes, valances, bedroom chairs & cushions in stunning fabrics (or your own), at incredible prices!

Who we are.

We are a friendly bunch, and we think we are pretty good at what we do. We make everything by hand and we have a pretty experienced team.  We are very proud of our company, our people and the service we provide.  In support of us we have a super photographic team, a great graphic design team and a fabulous accountant. Please take a look at our site; www.theheadboardworkshop.co.uk.  If you need any assistance please contact us; sheryl@theheadboardworkshop.co.uk.

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